HOME11.CSR |グローバル企業の「ネットゼロ誓約」、実際の削減公約は平均40%。「言行一致」3社だけ。サイエンスベースドターゲット(SBTi)等が「グリーンウォッシュ」の片棒(?)非営利シンクタンク報告書(RIEF) |
Greenpeace Luxembourg activists place two human-sized yellow signs with the message “Caution - Greenwash” at the main entrance of the Luxembourg national pension fund’s headquarters, to protest continued investment in fossil fuels.

Known as Fonds de Compensation (FDC), Luxembourg’s pension fund claims to conduct sustainable and socially responsible investments, yet provided more than half of a billion Euro to oil, gas and coal companies like Shell, BP, Total and Chevron during 2019. Greenpeace Luxembourg criticized the greenwashing tactics and demanded immediate measures from Parliament and the government to ensure the withdrawal of public funds entrusted to the FDC from fossil fuel corporations.




 調査はドイツの非営利シンクタンクのNew Climate Institute とベルギーの環境NGOのCarbon Market Watchの共同作業による「Climate Corporate Responsibility Monitor」による。調査の目的はトップ企業……

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