HOME8.温暖化・気候変動 |米ロックフェラー家の決断ーー「歴史は動く、動かねばならない」(藤井良広) |


2016-03-26 23:07:29



 石油で財を成した 米国ロックフェラー家の資産を運用する「ロックフェラー・ファミリー・ファンド(RFF)」が、化石燃料関連企業への投資をすべて引き揚げるという。引き揚げ対象には、反温暖化キャンペーンで疑念をもたれている石油メジャー最大手のエクソン・モービル株も含まれる。エクソン・モービルは、ロックフェラーが膨大な富を得たスタンダード石油の流れを汲む末裔である。


 「歴史は動く、動かねばならない(history moves on, as it must)」--。RFFは、化石燃料投資を全否定した宣言文の中で、こう語った。「ロックフェラーの富」を築いた化石燃料の代表格、石油に別れを告げ、「ロックフェラーの血」を受け継ぐエクソン・モービル株を手放す決意の所以を、自分たちにも言い聞かせるように。












 化石燃料関連企業株への投資を引き揚げるDivestment 運動は、昨年12月のパリでのCOP21を意識して世界中で広まっている。だが、今回のRFFの決断のインパクトは、石油産業のみならず、世界のエネルギー産業に「歴史の転換」を伝えるのに十分だった。


 RFFは今回、化石燃料株への投資を引き揚げる決断をした理由について、「グローバルコミュニティが化石燃料の使用を削減しようとしている時に、そうした企業への投資を継続することは、倫理的にも金融的にもほとんど意味をなさない」と説明している。 石炭や、カナダのオイルサンドの保有資産も同時に処分する。























RFF’s Decision to Divest

The Rockefeller Family Fund is proud to announce its intent to divest from fossil fuels. The process will be completed as quickly as possible, as we work around the complications of modern finance, which is increasingly dominated by alternative investments and hedge funds.

While the global community works to eliminate the use of fossil fuels, it makes little sense—financially or ethically—to continue holding investments in these companies. There is no sane rationale for companies to continue to explore for new sources of hydrocarbons. The science and intent enunciated by the Paris agreement cannot be more clear: far from finding additional sources of fossil fuels, we must keep most of the already discovered reserves in the ground if there is any hope for human and natural ecosystems to survive and thrive in the decades ahead.

We would be remiss if we failed to focus on what we believe to be the morally reprehensible conduct on the part of ExxonMobil. Evidence appears to suggest that the company worked since the 1980s to confuse the public about climate change’s march, while simultaneously spending millions to fortify its own infrastructure against climate change’s destructive consequences and track new exploration opportunities as the Arctic’s ice receded. Appropriate authorities will determine if the company violated any laws, but as a matter of good governance, we cannot be associated with a company exhibiting such apparent contempt for the public interest.

To operationalize this decision, the Board has instructed its advisors, effective immediately, to eliminate holdings of ExxonMobil, and all coal, and tar sands-based companies outside the portions of the portfolio managed by third parties, and to keep exposures for these three categories of investment below 1 percent across the entire portfolio. The Family Fund’s Finance Committee will soon be entering the second phase of its divestment work, which will entail seeking suitable alternatives to certain commingled funds now held. The field of Socially Responsible Investing is dynamic and growing and we are confident that a variety of options will soon emerge for mid-sized endowments such as ours.

Needless to say, the Rockefeller family has had a long and profitable history investing in the oil industry, including ExxonMobil. These are not decisions, therefore, that have been taken lightly or without much consideration of their import. But history moves on, as it must. Indeed, it is past time for all people of good will to do everything in their collective power to make our new path one that recognizes the deep interdependence between humanity’s future and the health of our natural systems.