HOME |環境NGO、グリーンピース ペルーの世界遺産「ナスカの地上絵」の間近に 温暖化対策促進の「文字」を描き、”怒られる”(各紙) |

環境NGO、グリーンピース ペルーの世界遺産「ナスカの地上絵」の間近に 温暖化対策促進の「文字」を描き、”怒られる”(各紙)

2014-12-11 18:12:29


 各紙の報道によると、12月8日の早朝に活動家12人が地上絵のあるナスカの平原に無断で立ち入り、「変化する時が来た!未来は再生可能 グリーンピース」などと書いた黄色の布製のメッセージを、世界遺産の「ハチドリ」の地上絵の近くに置いたという。








Lima, Peru, 10 December 2014 — Greenpeace releases the following apology about the Nazca Lines protest on December 8th:

Without reservation Greenpeace apologises to the people of Peru for the offence caused by our recent activity laying a message of hope at the site of the historic Nazca Lines. We are deeply sorry for this.

We fully understand that this looks bad. Rather than relay an urgent message of hope and possibility to the leaders gathering at the Lima UN climate talks, we came across as careless and crass.

We have now met with the Peruvian Culture Ministry responsible for the site to offer an apology. We welcome any independent review of the consequences of our activity. We will cooperate fully with any investigation.

We take personal responsibility for actions, and are committed to nonviolence. Greenpeace is accountable for its activities and willing to face fair and reasonable consequences.

Dr Kumi Naidoo, the International Executive Director of Greenpeace, will travel to Lima, this week, to personally apologise for the offence caused by the activity and represent the organisation in any on going discussions with the Peruvian authorities.

Greenpeace will immediately stop any further use of the offending images.

