HOME |中国、大気汚染防止法を改正 PM2.5対策でガソリン燃料規制、罰則も大幅に強化(各紙) |
Cyclists ride on a road in heavy smog in Hefei city, east Chinas Anhui province, 14 January 2013.

For the fourth straight day, health authorities in multiple Chinese cities advised residents to stay indoors Monday (14 January 2013), as a blanket of smog continued to choke much of China after recording beyond index levels last weekend at air quality monitoring stations in Beijing. The capital and 32 other cities suffered hazardous air last weekend, local media reported, swelling hospitals with patients reporting respiratory and heart problems. Face masks sold quickly at pharmacies, and some airports and highways suffered delays and closures amid greatly reduced visibility. But the governments increased disclosure of pollution data, and the state medias blanket coverage of the crisis, encouraged some Chinese environmentalists to see a silver lining amid the clouds darkening the worlds largest emitter of greenhouse gases, where the priority of fast economic growth routinely swamps environmental concerns.







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